Yes... This demo was scheduled for The Party 5, but due to a 5 (five!) minute late after the deadline it missed the compo. It was released some days after TP5.
The demo was based on EFT's new 3D engine. It contained many nice routines, like texture-mapping, gouraud-shading. (in 1994-5 they were really rare routines..) The demo itself consisted of some nice designs too, aswell as a very fast and nice landscape at the end. Anyway we saw here EFT's mania, that everything must be 1x1 to achieve the desired visuals!
Apart from the code itself the music was a masterpiece too. Exspecially the endpart which really captured the ppl infront of the monitor. The music is mainly a techno-synth music, including a rock & roll part (yes!), and the endtune is another synt-style music featuring a singer. (She sings about The Voyage In Storm and so on...)
All-in-all I think this demo was (and sure IS!) a very nice one, it's a pity that it missed The Party....
Rendall | Mr.Pixel | SLO, Norby |
Hm.. Hard to say, but this is our latest released demo. :) Anyway, let me tell you some words about it.
As I heard from EFT short after TP5 they decided to make a better demo, and -maybe this time- release it at a party.. :) EFT continued speeding up his engine, and he made major upgrades to it! The demo started with some refreshment, as Mezon and me joined the development as object modellers. After some meetings at myplace we were on the right was to finish a demo for Assembly. Ofcourse we missed the party! :) But this time we released it at Intel Outside III. And it won 1st place. If you're really interested, then read more in RAGE!
Technically the demo contains some really new things. First of all a VERY good enviroment-mapping, many phong, and reflection-mapping. It contains scenes. Now there's not only a plain object rotating in th center, but something much complex, something completely different! :) There were about 2-3 times as much object, as in the final version, but EFT selected them with care to fullfill his imagination. (In some cases it ONLY filled his imagination.... :)) But anyway we really love that demo too. I think that endpart was also a part of winning, as it was soooo beutiful! :) Imagine two dolphins jumping in the sea. The vision, and the tune together created a really good atmosphere!
Music.. Interesting thing that the music was done by Sly Spy in 1 (!!!) day. The endpart tune was also composed by him. The style is very exciting, as I can say that it's SlySpy-syle :) I can't tell you all about it, just check for yourself!
Rendall, Beast | Sly Spy | Soldier, Mezon, Norby |
I would be very glad if we could say, that THIS is our latest demo, but it just WILL be our latest demo, and ofcoz hopefully our BEST demo. This demo has been been under development for a long time now, but we (all in IMS) have no time to do it now. I hope that it will be out this year (97, not 2001 ! :)), but it's up to EFT, coz without him we can't do a thing. I won't tell you secrets, but this demo already contains VERY good visuals. So once it will be out it'll shock you for sure! Personally I hope that it won't lost in the timeless space forever.. :)
Credits (at the moment)
Rendall, Beast | Mr.Pixel | Soldier, Mezon |
It contains nice effects, and some new too! EFT's landscape from Voyage In Storm also came back, but this time with new features, and even more speed! Maybe some design is also a part of this production, coz EFT tried to create some with the routine itself.
The music was done by Jazz. I think he shouldn't be introduced, as every (not beginner) scener knows him. The music was made for something else, as I know, but it matched our intro too, and in the first case it was really tiny in kilobytes! :)
Rendall | Jazz | Soldier |
Latest intro, or even production.. I mean released ofcoz. It was done just for phun in a really big hurry! (really in 1-2 days). It was released at the Symposium\Mekka '97 in Germany. It won 2nd place. (I'm not sure, but maybe it would win with music). The intro wasn't finished while we were at Sympo (Lord, Lay & Detox \CJ and me), so we met with EFT on IRC. And EFT sent it to Lord's email. Thanks to the organisers we DL-d it a the deadline. :) But here they didn't said that: "You missed the deadline by 1 min, so you're out!" Thanks to this reason this time we competed! :) Due to a little technical failure by both us and the organizers we made a 64k intro, and not a 40k one! :) But as they were faulty too a bit we could compete, but without music! :) Anyway we won the 2nd place. That's how it was.
I think that the intro is really good if we know that it was really made in almost hours! It contains new ideas, effect-mixes, and many-many more! Nice effects like video-feedback are also a part of it. After Sympo EFT made a 2.0 version too. It contained fixes, one plus part with a picture, and it was a bit shorter!
Now a big thank must fly to Melomniac for helping us in the music. He had about half a day to compose a music! As EFT said: "Ok, let's do the intro" we only had two day till sympo. I went to IRC and I was searching for a musician whom I know. I felt unlucky, coz not even Jazz were there, who almost spend his life on IRC ! :) Ah.. But I found Melomniac, I told him the problem, and I let him know the intro in words (as it was 0% complete) and he told me to come back in two hours! :) That's a speed! Ok, enough.. Once again thanks dude..
Rendall | Melomniac | Soldier |
We've also got a good board. Why don't u give it a try ?! Sysop: Lord
1997 Impulse |
For any reason contact Soldier! |