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"Where do you want to go today" ? Asked the asshole also known as Bill Gates.. :)

Amiga, scene, work, games, friends in alphabetical order.. I put here all the ones I like! If you want to be added please write a mail to me!

Amiga Only

Hungary's best Amiga magazine! Now you may check it's online pages. It's non-profit, and it's 100% for our favourite machine!

Amiga International

The place where everything started.. (and maybe ended ? :) ) Anyway it's good to see all those (once) powerfull machines!

Amiga Web Dir

Hoho! I love this site! It's full of informations, and more that you can read! Check it atleast once a day, it'll keep you up2date!


This is the place where the bits are coming from. It's the main stream of legal software (shareware, demos, etc) LOTSA GBs!


Home of the Assembly organizers. It informes you about the party, and you can go back to past partties too!


The U.K. home of Amiga ! Shoud I say that ? Well, atleast on NET it's really the biggest in the UK! Many infos there too!
clickboom Click.. boom! They're hopefully making games at the moment for the Amiga (PPC too!!!). Quake PPC rulez! :)


CRUX. Hope you all know what it means !? If NO, then you're not a real amiga user... Go, check 'em!

Haage & Partner

Creators of programs like Storm C, Art Effect and more. They seem to be active, so don't miss 'em!
lord Guess who ? :) Well... Lord \Ims^Abs^Cj has got a private homepage with infos about his groups, and himself too! Gooo!


Lightwave ? Means that anything to you ? Or maybe Toaster ? If the answer is "YES" then you must visit this page!

Nova design

Aladdin 4D, Image FX, the two mainprograms I know from these guys... But they're enough for me! :)

RAW online

RAW! After the death of the diskmag it continued on the NET! It's really a unicum! You can't beat the feeeeeling! :)

RAW recycled

recycling -> recycling -> recycling... RAW is recycling to this new place, maybe with new editors ? Dunno.. see for yourself!


It's the treasurechest of programs. Cheap, and cool programs can be found there! Mainly system programs...
By the wa you have the chance to get a free CD too! :)


Just a little phunn.. This site contains many-many infos, pics, anims about games (sadly no amy, but PSX, N64, SS, PC(!))

Ofcourse more links will come if I think they're usefull enough.. By the way, why don't you send some ??? I may put anyone here who's URL seems to contain lotsa infos to the public.. So contact ME if you dare! :)

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1997 Impulse


Contact Soldier for any reason