"Where do you want to go today" ? Asked the asshole also known as Bill Gates.. :)
Amiga, scene, work, games, friends in alphabetical order.. I put here all the ones I like! If you want to be added please write a mail to me!
Hungary's best Amiga magazine! Now you may check it's online pages. It's non-profit, and it's 100% for our favourite machine! |
The place where everything started.. (and maybe ended ? :) ) Anyway it's good to see all those (once) powerfull machines! |
Hoho! I love this site! It's full of informations, and more that you can read! Check it atleast once a day, it'll keep you up2date! |
This is the place where the bits are coming from. It's the main stream of legal software (shareware, demos, etc) LOTSA GBs! |
Home of the Assembly organizers. It informes you about the party, and you can go back to past partties too! | |
The U.K. home of Amiga ! Shoud I say that ? Well, atleast on NET it's really the biggest in the UK! Many infos there too! | |
clickboom | Click.. boom! They're hopefully making games at the moment for the Amiga (PPC too!!!). Quake PPC rulez! :) |
CRUX. Hope you all know what it means !? If NO, then you're not a real amiga user... Go, check 'em! | |
Creators of programs like Storm C, Art Effect and more. They seem to be active, so don't miss 'em! | |
lord | Guess who ? :) Well... Lord \Ims^Abs^Cj has got a private homepage with infos about his groups, and himself too! Gooo! |
Lightwave ? Means that anything to you ? Or maybe Toaster ? If the answer is "YES" then you must visit this page! | |
Aladdin 4D, Image FX, the two mainprograms I know from these guys... But they're enough for me! :) | |
RAW! After the death of the diskmag it continued on the NET! It's really a unicum! You can't beat the feeeeeling! :) | |
recycling -> recycling -> recycling... RAW is recycling to this new place, maybe with new editors ? Dunno.. see for yourself! |
It's the treasurechest of programs. Cheap, and cool programs can be found there! Mainly system programs... By the wa you have the chance to get a free CD too! :) |
Just a little phunn.. This site contains many-many infos, pics, anims about games (sadly no amy, but PSX, N64, SS, PC(!)) |
Ofcourse more links will come if I think they're usefull enough.. By the way, why don't you send some ??? I may put anyone here who's URL seems to contain lotsa infos to the public.. So contact ME if you dare! :)
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